Wallester Business
Payroll program

Streamline Payroll and
Cut Costs Today

  • Get paid in under
    a minute
    Payroll will be credited
    immediately to cardholder’s account
  • Zero cost to 
    employees and affiliates
    No fees for maintaining
    cards for cardholders
  • Save time in 
    multiple payments
    Up to 1,500 payments at a time from your accounting system
  • 24/7 payroll
    Pay anytime,
    anywhere in the world
  • Cardholder’s benefits
    • Numerous functions on a single platform

    • Full expense control

    Cardholders can enjoy various payment options, including access to virtual and physical cards, mobile wallet, Apple Pay and Google Pay, and other convenient methods to pay.

  • Multiple payments
    • Convenient tool for automating payroll payments

    • Supports multiple file formats for payroll

    The platform allows multiple batch payments to be made to selected employees, freelancers and affiliates, efficiently processing payments using Excel, XML, or CSV formats for quick and convenient transactions.

    This feature enables easy tracking of payment history in one place, providing better control and management.

  • Affordable price

    Wallester’s new program allows business clients to invite their employees, freelancers and affiliates to the platform and enjoy card payment benefits for just €1 per month per cardholder.

  • Financial safety

    Wallester prioritizes the financial independence of cardholders, guaranteeing the complete separation of personal funds from company funds.

    This demonstrates an unwavering commitment to financial security and dedication to safeguarding employees' financial independence.

Boost Your
Business with
Payroll Cards

Special benefits

A convenient solution to streamline payroll processing and boost your business
For company
For cardholder
  • Invite cardholders with just a few clicks

    Our program offers a click-simple process to invite cardholders

  • Integration with your accounting system

    Process all payroll payments easily from your accounting app

  • No More Delayed Payments

    Instantly pay all cardholders worldwide, regardless of their number or location

Simplify your accountant’s life
with Wallester

  • Easily generate payment records for cardholders in your accounting system and process them with the Wallester platform
  • Process payments in real-time and online
  • Enable multiple accountants to process payments to different departments simultaneously
  • Keep a record of batch payments and easily review past transactions at any time

Join the payroll program today

A convenient solution to streamline payroll processing and boost your business
Create a free business account Enter your corporate information to begin using the Wallester platform
Invite payroll cardholders Through our mobile app cardholders join the Payroll program and access its benefits
Start payroll payments Pay your employees, freelancers and affiliates through the platform

Ready to get started?

Join Wallester Business today!
What CFOs often ask about
The Wallester Payroll card is a payment card provided by Wallester clients to their employees, freelancers or affiliates. Cardholders can activate the cards easily through their mobile devices. Once activated, the payroll cards can be used to receive the payroll, add money to the card, and make payments.
The Wallester platform provides a distinctive solution for companies to efficiently process payrolls to their employees, freelancers or affiliates. One significant advantage is that pre-opened bank accounts are not required for both company and cardholders. Instead, the employer invites cardholders to receive a payroll card via a mobile application. Subsequently, cardholders can promptly receive their payments.
Moreover, the system saves employers valuable time by offering multiple payment options, ensuring smooth and timely payments to a large number of cardholders, without any delays or risks of miscommunication between banks.
Cardholders can enjoy various payment options, including access to virtual and physical cards, mobile wallet, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and other convenient methods to pay.
There is zero cost to cardholders. There are no fees for maintaining cards for cardholders.
Up to 1,500 payments can be processed at a time, saving you time and effort.
The Wallester platform allows for seamless integration with the company accounting systems. The prepared list of payments can be directly uploaded from the payroll or accounting system. This can be done in the most convenient XML format or simplified XLS or CSV formats.
Complete separation of personal and company funds: Wallester maintains strict protocols and systems to ensure that personal funds of cardholders are entirely separate from company funds. This separation guarantees that cardholders’' personal finances are secure and independent from the financial operations of their employer.
  • Create a free business account: Begin by filling out the registration form on our website and creating a free business account. Provide your corporate information to initiate the process.
  • Invite payroll cardholders: Once your business account is set up, you can easily invite cardholders to join the Payroll program. Through the Wallester mobile app, cardholders can accept the invitation and gain access to the program’s benefits.
  • Start payroll payments: With your employees, freelancers or affiliates enrolled, you can now start making payroll payments through the Wallester platform.
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